EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing helps to dissipate negative feelings about past events. I call it the "button remover."
EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) also known as “Tapping,” calms down the amygdala and helps us to feel safe in our bodies.
Mindfulness and Positive Psychology
Mindfulness and Positive Psychology assist us in becoming mindful of our thoughts while staying in the present. We can train our brains to “Be Here Now” and give more attention to positive events in our lives and to feelings of gratitude.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy facilitates changing the way we think and behave to improve the quality of our lives.
Hypnotherapy is a modality which is used to help with a variety of issues such as breaking unwanted habits or improving one’s ability to cope with stress.
Cinematherapy can be used as part of a psychotherapy session. It is an innovative method based on traditional therapeutic principles using movies to gain more insight and aid in processing challenging life events from our past.
Spiritual Life Coaching
Spiritual Life Coaching helps change our lives by changing the way we operate on a deeper level. Rather than just examining behaviors, habits, and goals, we delve into deep rooted beliefs and our connection to the divine.